Training plan for Learners in Software Testing:

  1. Software Testing Is a Disciplined Technical Profession.
  2. Importance of software testing and at what stage of SDLC testing should start.
  3. Drawbacks of starting testing late in a software project.
  4. Software testing best practices.
  5. Difference between Manual and Automation testing.
  6. What is the difference between bug, error and defect?
  7. Why do Bugs occur & cost of resolving bugs?
  8. Role and responsibilities of a Software Tester.
  9. What Makes a Good Software Tester?
  10. What Effort Goes into a Software Product?
  11. What Parts Make Up a Software Product?
  12. Software Testing Terms and Definitions
    • Precision and Accuracy
    • Verification and Validation
    • Quality and Reliability
    • Testing and Quality Assurance (QA)
  13. Testing principles & fundamental test process
  14. Testing throughout the software life cycle
  15. Entry criteria and Exit Criteria terminology
  16. Testing in Practice:
    • Black-Box and White-Box Testing
    • Unit testing
    • Integration and System testing
    • Static and Dynamic Testing
    • Alpha & Beta testing
    • Installation and Upgrade testing
    • Configuration & Compatibility testing.
    • Smoke & Sanity testing
    • Retesting & regression testing
    • Functional & non-functional testing
    • Performance testing
    • Exit Criteria testing
    • Pretend to Be the Customer
    • Test-to-Pass and Test-to-Fail
    • Equivalence Partitioning
    • Boundary Conditions
    • Behave Like a Dumb User
    • Look for Bugs Where You’ve Already Found I hem 0 Follow Experience, Intuition, and Hunches
  17. Formal Reviews
    • Test case reviews
    • Test plan and Test strategy reviews
    • Peer Reviews
    • Walkthroughs
    • Inspections
    • Stand up meetings
    • Bug council
    • Jira Review meetings
    • importance of meeting minutes, action items, following up of them and seeing them to formal closure
  18. Usability Testing
    • GUI
    • VUI/TUI
  19. Documents used in testing
    • BRD (rarely)
    • FRD (always)
    • Test Plan
    • Test strategy
    • Specification
    • Reports
  20. Testing the Documentation
  21. Web Testing
  22. Automated Testing and Test Tools
  23. Writing and Tracking Test Cases
  24. Defect Reporting
  25. Measuring Metrics
  26. Introduction to bug tracking tools used by Convergys (Jira, PVCS, Clear Quest)
  27. Introduction to TestLink